Military Time is a method of measuring time in which the day begins at midnight (0000hours). Instead of using the traditional 12-hour clock, military time instead uses a 24-hour clock. For example, when it is 8:00 am in standard civilian time, it is 0800hours in military time. Conversely, when it is 5:00 pm in standard civilian time, it is 1700hours in military time.
In military time, 1600hours corresponds to 4:00 pm on a standard civilian clock. 1600hours is always 4:00 pm, no matter what month or day of the week it may be. To read and write times using military time you simply have to subtract 12 hours from the regular civilian time and add "hours" at the end of the number.
Military personnel use this form of measuring time when communicating important events or for tracking operations that may be taking place at different times around the world. This can also help simplify schedules and speed up communication between personnel on strategies or meetings that need to take place quickly or accurately. It's important for those who use standard civilian times to double check before assuming that an event or meeting needs to take place at a certain conventional clock-time because many mistakes can occur if someone does not convert correctly from one form of measurement to the other.
See more about 1700 military time
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